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基于英语文学经典阅读的阅读活动设计( Jane Eyre节选教学设计)

来源:烟台三中 作者: 姜庆燕 已有0人评论  2018/1/4 21:54:57  加入收藏



1. 语言能力目标




2. 文化品格目标



3. 思维品质目标


4. 学习能力目标



Part I:Before-class preparation (课前准备)

Ask students to surf on the Internet before class to get some background information about the writer and the novel. (布置学生课前上网查阅作者、小说背景相关的信息,完成下列表格)




Pen name




Notable works

Part II: Leading-in 导入 ( 7 minutes)

Teacher’s   activities


Students’   activities




1. Ask the Ss to   present a brief introduction to the writer in their own words. (呈现作者介绍,让学生用自己的语言提炼。)

2. Play an   edited video of <Jane Eyre>.(播放剪辑的微视频)

1. Present the   introduction to the writer in their own words. (总结提炼作者的介绍)

2. Watch the   edited video of <Jane Eyre>.(观看微视频)

1.    Familiarize the Ss with some background information relevant to the   passage.(帮助学生熟悉相关的背景知识)

2. Have a vivid vision of what the novel is about. Get   ready for the following reading. (形象生动地感知作品,为接下来的阅读做好铺垫)


Part III: While-reading activities (读中活动) ( 25 minutes )

Teacher’s activities


Students’ activities




Ask the Ss to read the text

and finish Task 1&Task 2in the worksheet individually.(指导学生完成学习案上的任务1和任务2

Read the text and finish Task 1&Task 2in the   worksheet. (阅读文本,完成学习案上的任务1 和任务2

1.       It   is applied to help the Ss know what aspects are usually covered when  reading a novel.(通过阅读任务的设计帮助学生掌握小说阅读的策略)

2.       Have   a better understanding of the novel in structure and appreciate the beauty of   the language.  (在感知文本的基础上欣赏语言之美)

Task 1: Characters and theme (人物和主题)

1.Make a list of the characters in this passage and their identification.(快速浏览文本,梳理人物。)



2. If you are asked to choose a topic for this part, which of the following do you think is the best choice? (选择主题)

A. A blind man’s love               

B. Reuniting(团聚) with Mr Rochester 

C. Returning to her hometown              

D. A happy ending

Task 2: Detail reading (细节阅读)

1. Read the following examples and try to find out what detail descriptions they belong to?


a. scenery description  景色描写        b. action description 动作描写

c. psychological description 心理描写    d. appearance description 外貌描写


      Types of   description

It   looked dark and lonely, surrounded by trees.

____________   description

I   held my breath as I watched, feeling a mixture of happiness and sadness.


He   looked as strong as before and his hair was still black, but in his face I   saw a bitter, desperate look

 ____________ description

He   walked slowly and hesitatingly along the path.

  ___________ description

2. In paragraph 28, which of the following words can be the most proper one to fill in the blank according to the tone (语气) of this passage? (依据文本上下文为28段的空白选择一个合适的词)

A. innocent                  B. guilty             C. confident       D. jealous

3. Read and try to understand and use a few words to describe the inner world of Mr Rochester. (细读以下两段语言对白,表达了主人公怎样的内心情感)

 “He walked slowly and hesitatingly along the path. Although he kept looking up eagerly at the sky, it was obvious that he could see nothing. After a while he stopped, and stood quietly there, the rain falling fast on his bent, uncovered head. Finally he found his way painfully back to the house, and closed the door.”


4. Read the dialogue with emotion

“This St   John, do you like him?”

“He is a very good man. I couldn’t help liking him.”

“He’s perhaps a man of fifty or so.”

“St   John is only 29, sir.”

“I think you said he was rather stupid. Not at all intelligent?”

“He has an excellent brain, sir.”

“Did you say he was rather plain, ugly, in fact?”

“St   John is a handsome man, tall and fair, with blue eyes.”

“In fact, sir, “ I continued, “ he asked me to marry him.”

“Well Jane, leave me and go. Oh, until now I thought you would never love another man! But go and marry Rivers!”

“I can never marry him, sir. He doesn’t love me, and I don’t love him. He’s good and great, but as cold as ice. You needn’t be jealous, sir. All my heart is yours.”

Part IV: Post-reading activities (读后活动) ( 10 minutes )

Teacher’s activities


Students’ activities




Give   the students 3 topics to think about and discuss.

1.   What do you think of Jane? Write a few words to describe her.

2. If   you were Jane, would you come back to marry Rochester?

3. Do   you like the ending of the novel? If not, design a different ending of you   own.

Instruct the students to think alone first and then   discuss and share with each other. (给学生呈现3个问题先独立思考,再讨论分享)

Think about the questions Work alone first and write   down their own ideas. After that, share the ideas or opinions with others.  (思考老师提出的问题,先形成自己的思考并作记录,然后与他人分享。)

To help the Ss develop a correct moral cognition and   to be a person full of love, justice and confidence.(帮助学生树立正确的道德认知,成为一个有爱心、有正义感、有自信的人。)



Comments or Opinions

1. What do you think of Jane? Write a few   words to describe her.

2. If you were Jane, would you come back   to marry Rochester   and why?

3. Do you like the ending of the novel?   If not, design a different ending of you own.


Part V: Homework 作业( 2 minutes )




If you can   achieve about 60% of today’s learning aim, you may choose Homework 1 to finish.(如果你能掌握本节课60%的内容请选择作业1


Homework 1:

(1) Read the   passage at least twice and find a partner to read the dialogue with you next   period.


(2) Make notes   of the expressions in this part and memorize them.(整理记录文本的知识点并背下)

Help those who   are weak in English to have a further consolidation of what is learned in   class.(帮助英语基础薄弱的学生巩固基础)

If you can   achieve about 80% of today’s learning aim, you may choose Homework 2 to finish. (如果你能掌握本节课80%的内容请选择作业2

Homework 2:

Write a short   article about 100 words to make comments on Jane Eyre and her attitude   towards life.(写一篇100词左右对女主人公个性和人生态度的英语评论)

Help those with   a better understanding of the passage to practise writing comments in   English.(帮助本节课目标达成度较高的学生进一步巩固运用所学知识)

If you can   achieve about 100% of today’s learning aim, you may choose Homework 3 to challenge yourself. (如果你能掌握本节课100%的内容请选择作业3


Homework 3:

Choose another   chapter to read and design a PPT to share with others next period.(任选这部小说的一个章节来阅读,并作一个文本介绍的PPT和同学们交流)

Give those who   have already learned well in today’s class a chance to learn more, think more   and share more.(给对本节课目标达成高的优秀学生进一步拓展阅读并分享的机会)



 1. 自制微课帮助学生了解剧情。由于本节课节选的是小说的最后一个章节,为了帮助学生了解小说的前情,更好地理解、把握最后这一章节的情感和内容,课前先播放一段自己剪辑配音的微视频,把整个小说形象生动地展现在学生面前,为后面的阅读做好铺垫。

 2. 阅读过程的设计融合语文小说阅读设计思路,从小说阅读涉及的人物、细节描写、情感把握等方面来设计教学活动,引导学生由浅入深,由整体到细节,层层递进、逐步深入地进行阅读、体会、思考。

 3. 目标达成检测采取小飞侠随机抽签,学生自主选择的形式,将学生的课堂积极性调动起来,同时目标检测也考虑到了不同学生的需求和课堂收获是不一样的,不可以统一一个标准进行达标,所以,在设计达标检测的过程中,给学生提供了涉及语法、翻译、模仿朗读、口语表达、词汇短语等方面多样性的选择,让学生从中选择自己感兴趣、擅长的去完成。做到了面向全体,让不同层次的学生各有收获。

 4. 分层设计作业也是本节课的一大亮点,在设计作业内容时,基于学生的英语基础和对本节课的掌握程度,给学生准备了3个套餐,设计难易有别的作业。这样可以关注学生个体差异,满足不同学生的学习需要。既可以增强学生完成英语作业的信心,提高他们对英语的兴趣,也解决了日常作业中“吃不饱”,“吃不了”两头难的问题,满足学生的求知欲,让他们体验成功的喜悦。




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