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We had a football match.教学设计

来源:山东创新教育研究院 作者: 孙清嫒 已有0人评论  2016/12/6 8:56:00  加入收藏

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莱州市双语学校   孙清媛



  1.能听懂、会说、认读单词: their, easy, last, pass, got, shot, goal, won;能听懂、会说、认读句型:We had a football match.

  2. 能理解故事的含义;并能在关键词的帮助下复述故事。


  1. 通过阅读故事,提炼关键信息,提高阅读理解能力。

  2. 通过用过去式向他人介绍发生过的比赛,提高口语表达能力。


  1. 能够热爱运动,树立为比赛努力奋斗的思想。

  2. 能够理解团队合作的意义,理解比赛的宗旨。


  Step 1 Warm up

  Greetings: Good afternoon, boys and girls! How are you? Today there are many teachers here to share the lesson with us. Let’s try to be better, OK? And I will divide you into two groups. Group A and Group B. Let’s have a match. Let’s see which group can win the match. 


  Step 2 Review L1&L2

  T: Today let’s go on talking about Unit 5 Sports. What sport do you like? Are you good at it? Can you play it well? Doing sports is good for our health. We should do sports everyday.出示主情景图,Look! Our friends are talking about sports. What club would Peter like to join? Do you remember? 

  It’s very easy. 学习单词:easy-eat-busy-easy.

  And we knew Peter’s class had a basketball match with Class One. 

  T: Which Class won the match? 学习单词:win-won-one

  S: Class Two won the match.

  The last boy, can you read the word? 学习单词:last-a/a:/-last


  Step 3 Pre-reading.

  Just now we talked about Peter. What about Danny and Li Ming?

  Look at this picture.  (出示文本第二幅图,Li Ming 和Danny的头像圈起来)What did Li Ming and Danny do? Yes, they played football. Today we’ll talk about another match. What’s it about? 

  S:It about the football match. 

  Let’s learn Unit 5 lesson 3 We had a football match. 

  First, let’s look at our learning aims.


  1.能听懂、会说、认读单词: their, easy, last, pass, got, shot, goal, won;能听懂、会说、认读句型:We had a football match.

  2. 能理解故事的含义;并能在关键词的帮助下复述故事。


  1. 通过阅读故事,提炼关键信息,提高阅读理解能力。

  2. 通过用过去式向他人介绍发生过的比赛,提高口语表达能力。


  1. 能够热爱运动,树立为比赛努力奋斗的思想。

  2. 能够理解团队合作的意义,理解比赛的宗旨。


  Step 4 While-reading:


  We’ll talk about the football match. What do you want to know about the match?


Wow, you have many questions. Let’s read the story and try to find the answers.


  (1)When did they have the football match? 

  (2) Who had the football match?  

  Picture 2处理细节:Which team is Class One? Which team is Class Two? How do you know it?

  S: The red team is Class Two, the yellow team is Class One.

  Because Li Ming and Danny played football at school. Their class had a match with Class One.学习单词:their-there 发音一样。

  (3)Where did they have the football match?

  (4) Who won the match? S: Class Two won the match. 


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